Simple Ec2 Instance

Creating infrastructure with code is an extremely powerful tool that can abstract away the need for on-premises hardware. Instead of attempting to hand provision things in private cloud consoles such as AWS, GCP, or Azure we can instead rely on tools such as Terraform and Pulumi to help automate this and in both cases help to keep track of the state of the infrastructure. Sometimes, if you just need something quickly, one could also use Bash and the aws-cli to provision the same. [Read More]

Add An Existing Repo to Github via CLI

If you’d like to push an already existing git repository to github then you can easily create the repository from the cli and begin the foundations of interacting with remote repos programmatically. First, you need a personal access token and if you do not yet have one then perform the following: Access your github account settings Developer Settings Personal access tokens Generate new token Be sure to save/download the token, as you will be unable to access it in the future. [Read More]
github  cli  curl